Friday, August 29, 2008

Improvisational Lettuce Wrap

I was so dismayed when I got home this afternoon, looked in the refrigerator, and all my whole wheat tortillas were gone! My heart was still set on a wrap, though, so I removed some outer layer of a head of iceberg lettuce and there you go!

A "tortilla!" In it I spread some garlic hummus, the rest of an avocado, the rest of a green bell pepper, some onion, tiny orange tomatoes, and best of all: Teriyaki Baked Tofu, made by me, the right way this time. It marinated in the refrigerator overnight in a mixture of equal parts Wasabi Teriyaki Sauce, soy sauce, water, and a pinch of garlic salt.

This was possibly the most amazing thing I have ever eaten. I strongly urge you to try this.

After this wrap, I was pretty full, so for dessert, I just munched on a small bowl of blueberries:

In case anyone's interested in my plans for the rest of the day, I'm going to clean my house thoroughly, perhaps bake a little more, and relax. I'm relishing these last few days before school starts! Hopefully by Sunday I'll also have a job.

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