Monday, August 25, 2008

Split-Second Banana Split

After an exhausting morning of running around town, I wanted something sweet, indulgent, and breakfast-y for lunch. Based off of
Shelby's blog
, I made a banana split oatmeal, jazzed up a bit. I cooked oats and oat bran with soymilk, along with two tablespoons of peanut butter. On top of this I placed a halved banana, another tablespoon of peanut butter, and some strawberry jam. Mmmmy goodness!

I bought a new kind of peanut butter today since I'm out of Costco peanut butter and can't shop for more until tomorrow. Still, I couldn't last even one day without peanut butter, so I bought a jar of Mara Natha natural butter.
My food plans for the rest of the day are iced coffee, and possibly a rice-bean-corn dish for supper.

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